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Justice Bartlett

Justice Bartlett

About Me

Hi I'm Justice!

Are you ready to shift limiting habits and frustrating or painful relationship dynamics? Have you tried traditional therapy or, are you yourself, a therapist, coach, or healer? Are you curious about the power of intuition, dreams, and symbology? Would you like to explore how subtle energy can unlock your unconscious mind, create powerful shifts in your body, and even unlock your creativity? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, the Senses & Symbols method may be highly supportive for you!

About Me

I believe people hold the keys to their own well-being and healing. That is what I have found on my own journey, and it was the practitioners who skillfully guided me back to myself who have had the most impact on me. This is the process I apply to my own work with clients: soul inquiry that leads them into their bodies and beyond.

Like many people, I became involved in the healing and transformational arts for personal reasons. I found the combination of working with the mind, the body, subtle energy, and our own stories to be so deeply beneficial for me, I set out to learn how to do it with others. First, I engaged in learning body-wisdom by attending and certifying as a massage therapist. Next, I studied and taught multiple modalities that incorporated subtle energy and symbology. During that time, I certified as a transpersonal hypnotherapist.

All of these modalities, as well as my now 18 years in professional practice, inform the way I work with clients and teach. Most of all, however, it is my ability to listen deeply, empathetically attune to my clients, and detect the symbols and patterns present in people's stories, helping them to claim what needs claiming and rewrite what needs to be rewritten in order for them to thrive. Traversing this map is different for every client from moment to moment and miraculous intervention is always a possibility when we are dedicating ourselves to showing up in awe and respect.


Who I'm Looking To Work With

I most commonly work with healers, psychotherapists, and counselors who need XYZ. However, anyone can benefit from the nature of this work and many people who have been in traditional therapy for long periods of time find breakthroughs that had eluded them previously. This work is deep, practical, safe, and even fun at times. Best of all, it keeps me in a state of wonder.


  • 20-Minute Discovery Call
    A quick call to get to know each other and see if we're a good fit.

  • 90-Minute Coaching Session - $250
    Dive deep into your inner nature, explore trauma history, creative goals, desires, and outcomes.

  • 3-Pack of 60-Minute Sessions with Interim Support - $550
    Go deeper into tracking patterns and outcomes through ongoing supportive work. This package includes "bridge building" with availability and communication between sessions.

  • 6-Month Coaching Package - $2,500
    Includes 2 sessions per month for six months, with interim support via email, messenger, or Telegram. Ideal for those committed to achieving creative goals and bringing their visions to life.


Author Portals

Elephant Journal: 




Licensed Massage Practitioner (LMP) (non active)
Certified Hypnotherapist


I highly recommend Justice as a compassionate witness, which is needed in creating our healing, empowered narrative. She is my soft place to land when I need an honest and healing perspective of what I may be overlooking. She sees my blindspots and lovingly highlights what might need some work. Moreover, she offers creative, heart-felt direction as to how to address the pain, or how to maintain the the peace, when session is over. Justice is a gifted healer, and she will remain my go to oracle when I need support in aligning  my energy and  skills. Her name is fitting, as it at times feels as if universal justice is achieved from my corner of influence after working with her. 

Krista Anderson, MA,LMFT 
Owner and founder of Emozen (R) 
Meditation coach and biofeedback practitioner 


The value of Justice’s work is fundamental to understanding trauma and the psyche. The practical yet deeply intuitive approach she offers provides a space for one to address root causes, supporting genuine breakthroughs. My personal well being in relation to working with Justice has improved immensely and has given me the opportunity to stay actively engaged in my own self healing. ~Priscilla


 Justice led me to the core of my consciousness where things were confused and held a safe space for me to figure it out for myself and disentangle threads that prevented maturity and development. No quick fix, this is lasting, it's physical, it's emotional and spans my lifetime. ~Tim

There are not enough words to say how deeply thankful I am that Justice is in my life. I've gone to therapy several times over the years and there were no solutions and direction for healing on a deep level. Justice listens and guides and helps me see things from a different perspective, so I can get out of a rut, and truly learn to replace trauma with love and healing. That learning has enabled me to stay on course because through understanding comes love. I will be forever grateful for her wisdom, caring, and guidance on my journey to authentic myself. Lots of love, Justice - Thank you for having a passion for helping people! ~Nikki




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What to session

15 minute session

-ask three or more questions

-advice on how to a healthier lifestyle

-tips and tricks

-how to eat well

Why it's valuable



July 2024

Liana is awesome! A truly amazing human who speaks from the heart and is truly authentic. It was great to learn about the lessons for Liana's journey with Forma. I felt we made a truly human connection. Highly recommend speaking with Liana.

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